
The Settings screen contains various configurable settings for the TimeForce II system.

Click on the main "Admin" tab, and then on the "Settings" link located under the System Tools section of the screen.

Note: There are many advanced settings on this screen intended for use under specific circumstances only. Usage instructions for advanced settings are intentionally omitted. Contact Qqest Technical Support for assistance beyond what is covered in this help topic.

SMTP Server

This section is used to configure an email server which TimeForce II will use to send emails to employees and supervisors.

Refer to Email Notification for full detailed instructions on this feature.


This section configures how absences in the system are used in conjunction with employee Accruals.

  • Restrict Absences prevents any user from entering an absence on the Time Card if the employee does not have the number of hours available in the accrual policy selected.
  • Restrict Time Off Requests prevents employees from submitting requests for time off if they do not have the requested number of hours available in the accrual policy selected.


The "Demographics" section of Employee Profiles allows you to track various kinds of optional employee information.

This section allows you to enable/disable the types of data that appear on the Demographics screen.

Put a check-mark in each field that you would like to appear on the screen, and remove the check mark to disable it.

User Security

This section is used with the Increase Password Complexity feature. It allows you to maximizing the security of user passwords in the TimeForce II system.

Verification Message

This setting allows you to customize the text that is displayed on Verification boxes in the Time Card screen. Enter the desired Verification Message.
